Wednesday, 16 September 2009

Training Critical in Correct Selection and Use of PPE

When it comes to selecting and using personal protective equipment (PPE), knowing which level to use for which hazard is the main concern for health and safety managers.

This is according to independent researchers commissioned by diversified technology company 3M, who spoke to more than 100 health and safety managers and some 200 workers in the construction industry to gauge their views on PPE and determine the reasons why it may not be worn.

Nearly one in four of the managers cited matching the protection level of the equipment to the hazards as a difficulty - particularly in construction, where unexpected and unusual situations can crop up at any time owing to the dynamic nature of most sites.

Almost all of them (87 per cent) said training is the best method to ensure PPE is worn, but the research found that just over half of the workers questioned (57 per cent) receive regular training in this regard, and nearly one in three said they "use what they think is best".

Commenting on the findings, Vikki Randles - market development manager for 3M's occupational health and environmental safety division - said: "The survey's results confirm that training of the workforce is critical if they are to understand why and how they need to wear PPE. The fact there are so many workers who are not getting basic information and training is worrying and needs to be solved first".

She elaborated: "The strength of this response could suggest that managers are in larger organisations are not getting the support that they want from higher levels in order to ensure that the wearing of PPE is enforced. A shift is needed to move away from the possible idea that the health and safety managers are just bureaucratic clipboard carriers, if they are to be taken seriously in the workplace. Without this, the safety message and training is not likely to get through." The full report can be downloaded from

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