Friday, 16 August 2013

Illegal gas work left Norfolk homes at risk

King's Lynn Magistrates' Court heard that Ryan Neale, trading as R. Neale Plumbing and Heating, installed gas appliances and associated gas pipework at properties in King's Lynn and Dersingham despite not being Gas Safe registered.

Anyone undertaking gas work must be recognised by Gas Safe, but Mr Neale had let his registration lapse. However, he still agreed to fit a gas boiler at a home in Cresswell Street, King's Lynn, on 25 May 2012, and a gas fire at another home in Brenda Collison Close, Dersingham on 28 May 2012.

The gas boiler installation was inspected by Gas Safe on 6 June 2012 and found to be immediately dangerous. The gas fire was inspected on 13 December 2012 and found to have been left at risk.

Gas Safe informed the Health and Safety Executive, who prosecuted Mr Neale for breaching gas safety legislation.

Ryan Neale, of Blenheim Road, King's Lynn, Norfolk, was fined a total of £2,000 and ordered to pay a further £1,000 in costs after pleading guilty to two separate breaches of the Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998 for his work at each property - four charges in total.

After the hearing, HSE inspector Paul Unwin said:

"Every year, people die of carbon monoxide poisoning as a result of gas appliances and flues being badly fitted or poorly serviced. It was only a matter of luck that the householders at these two properties were not affected despite being put at risk.

"This case highlights the need for householders to exercise caution when they select people to work in their home. They should always check the person they commission is registered with Gas Safe and competent to carry out the work, and obtain references for similar works done."

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