Mitesh Patel lost his right leg below the knee after he was pinned by a forklift truck during his holiday job. He was working for the Tile Depot in London in June 2008 when the accident happened, having taken the sales job over the summer holidays to help pay for his business studies degree at Hertfordshire University.
His work colleague was using the forklift truck without any previous training and rammed into Mitesh. The truck’s rear end swung round and pinned his leg against a gas tank.
Despite eight hours of surgery doctors were unable to save his leg. It was amputated below the knee. The GMB instructed Thompsons Solicitors which was successful in settling a compensation claim after the Tile Depot admitted liability.
Over the last 18 months Mitesh has adapted to his injuries and has now returned to his studies at Hertfordshire University. He plans to use the compensation to buy a tailor-made prosthesis.
He said: “The last 18 months have been a nightmare. I never imagined that an accident like this could happen to me. Dealing with my injuries was difficult at first but I’ve learnt that you have to just pick yourself up and get on with things.
“It is good to be back at university now. I get tired very easily and I still have phantom pains in my leg, but I am determined to finish my degree regardless of my injuries. I am looking forward to being able to use my new prosthesis which this compensation will allow me to buy.”
David Thompson from Thompsons Solicitors added: “This was a very serious and tragic accident. It is simply unacceptable that a worker untrained in using a forklift truck was allowed to do so.”
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